
work in progress

work in progress, originalmente cargada por 7fetiches7.

My second work in Anna Denise
oleskine. Perhaps i´m waiting and dreaming in holidays in a tropical beach...


Anna Denise said...

Ooh!!!!!!!! pretty pretty pretty!!!! Looks lovely already!!!!

Laura 7fetiches said...

Thank you, Anna. It´s very beautiful all the Moleskine, Very good job all of your drawings. Soon i will send it to Samantha,

szaza said...

Oh my goodness!
How beautiful! Absolutely gorgeous, Laura!

Laura 7fetiches said...

Thank you very much, Samantha. It isn´t so gorgeous like yours. I´m ready to send you My moleskine and Anna Denise one. I hope it isn´t very hard for you in summer time!