
Greetings from SF

I took this yesterday afternoon on a walk.
This is a sort of online-postcard to you talented artists from me.


OK, done!

So, it just needs a little spray of protective varnish, and it is off to Laura this week.
Look out for it Laura!

I have almost finished

I have been thinking about this moleskine for over a week after staring at Ann-D's bees.
I believe I have almost finished. I hope that you are all happy to continue, and to send to me in Australia as well! Show you the finished result soon.
Oh, my desk is a mess! I am just pushing everything in my way to the end at the moment, I hope it doesn't fall off before I clean it up!



I wanted to let you all know that I made a little space on the envelope of my Moly for all of you to write your names and something that is a favourite of yours. Candy, animal, colour, music, philosopher, shampoo— anything.



drawings, originalmente cargada por 7fetiches7.

big brother

big brother, originalmente cargada por 7fetiches7.