
Finished entry and video!

I finished my entry in Samantha's Moleskine! The entire Moleskine now looks like this:

And, I filmed little bits of me working on Samantha's Moly. Check it out below, or [here].

The quality isn't great, but hope you enjoyed that!


rockronie said...

It's lovely Ann-D..
Love to see you drawing and so concentrating ^_^

Marty Harris said...

WOW!! Outstanding. You blow me away.

szaza said...

Wow! How cool!

benconservato said...

That is indeed cool!
I received your Moleskine today Anna Denise... I am at it!

melissa said...

Is there significance to drawing on top of the anais nin?

Anna Denise said...

Not really Melissa. I needed a book of a certain thickness to work on and I just finished this journal of hers. :-)